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Low Carbon Diet - Your Ideas, Questions, and More!
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Member - 11/2/2016 1:16:14 PM
low carbon diet Throught my many years of being a noble christain, a succesful dietrician, and profound mother earther, the most effective thing for a low carbon diet is feasting on unborn squirrel meat. I have found that sticking to a diet of eating unborn squirrel eat and washing it down with goat urine to have not only lowered my carbon emission by 200%, but it also resulted in theloss of 50 pounds for me, caused my wife to return, and reserected my parents from the grave. Sounds to good to be true right? That is exactly what i thought when by docter told me about this wonder diet. However i just had to try it for myself and so should you. You will quickly see the results

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Member - 11/2/2016 1:25:52 PM
RE:low carbon diet wow in suprised that the goat pee didnt taste as bad as i thought it would, but indeed it is true my caron footprint has gone done a wopping 129% and going down everyday. That was such a good idea about the unborn squirrel meat. it was really easy i just had to go into my back yard and find a pregnant squirrel. then i just cut it open and their the unborn baby was. I was so suprised. Thanks so much graemcracker.


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