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Week 2: Bus Adventure Week Share tips for taking the bus. And tell us about your bus adventure.
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public - (1/12/2010 7:10:04 PM)
Bust Adventure Week! Okay, I really mean Bus Adventure Week, but once I made the typo I had to leave it. I also just posted this in the wrong forum, so I am a total dork. Anyway, I love Bus Adventure Week! I live in Jeremy Ranch, so for the first time I took the Express Bus from Kimball Junction (leaves every hour at :42 past the hour) to Main Street. It was so easy and fast - I clocked it and it took 15 minutes there and 12 minutes back (leaves the Transportation Center every hour at the top of the hour). I saved 20 miles worth of gas & wear and tear and would definitely do it again. The bus is so clean and it's FREE! The only reason I didn't take the bus today is because I bring baby Elizabeth to Old Town for child care and I don't feel totally comfortable with her on the bus. So, try it! Seriously, it's better than broccoli!
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