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Summit Community Gardens
Summit Community Gardens is a consortium of community members and organizations who share the vision of a communal garden to grow, learn, meet and celebrate together. The steering committee consists of several alumni members of the 2010 Park City Leadership Class, individuals who have ties to organizations such as Summit County, Park City Municipal, Summit Land Conservancy, Snyderville Basin Recreation, and those who simply have a passion for establishing a community garden and helping it grow.

The vision for the garden is to create a place where individuals and families can rent a small garden plot during the spring, summer and fall seasons to grow vegetables, fruits and even flowers in a community setting. We hope to create an environment that welcomes everyone and allows community members who don’t have a plot to still be a part of the programming, events and celebrations involving the garden.

We began “tilling the ground” in spring 2011.

We hope to have a network of community gardens in Summit County in the years to come, but our first garden is on the Koleman parcel off Hwy 224 just north of Canyons Resort entrance and on the east side of the highway. A lease with the county has been negotiated, with the support of the Basin Open Space Advisory Committee and the Summit Land Conservancy, who have recommended that the open space conservation easement be written to allow this specific land use along with supporting agricultural uses.

There is a lot of interest in, need for, and resources available for community gardening in the Park City area. In a recent survey conducted in Summit County, 90% of the participants supported a community garden with 35% stating their desire to rent a plot. In addition, community agriculture reduces the distance from origin to table and therefore saves on resources, the environment and has a positive impact on the local economy. It also has a tremendous and unique impact on the community.

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Contact Information

Summit Community Gardens
4120 N. Highway 224
Park City, UT 84068
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