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Buying green power couldn't be easier with Rocky Mountain Power's Blue Sky Renewable Energy Program. If you are not a RMP customer, you unfortunately cannot buy Blue Sky, but if you wish to offset your carbon emissions from your energy use, look into purchasing carbon offsets.

Blue Sky power is sold in 100 kilowatt-hour (kWh) increments or 'blocks' and cost $1.95 per block. You can buy as many or as few of blocks as you want and is completely voluntary. On average about 10 blocks a month will cover 100% of a home's electricity use. For example: If your average electricity use every month is 850 kWh, if you guy 8 blocks of Blue Sky, you'll almost offset all your power with renewable energy. If you buy 9, you'll be over 100%.Buying 1 block per month for a whole year would equate to planting 65 trees or not driving your car for 1,474 miles.

To purchase blocks of renewable energy from RMP, go to Blue Sky Renewable Energy and "sign up" or call 1-800-769-3717 and an agent will take care of you.
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