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Organic food can be safer to eat because it does not contain any synthetic/toxic pesticides, herbicides or growth hormones, which can cause cancer, birth defects and damage to the body's systems. The debate is still out on whether or not organically grown produce is more or less nutritious than conventional. Regardless of that fact though, organic food is safer to eat and it is often a more sustainable method for food production. Organic foods also reduce chemical runoff into the water supply, increase biodiversity, promote both soil and water conservation, avoid genetically modified crops (GMOs), and reduce the use of petroleum products.

Choose organic foods whenever possible for healthier eating and a more sustainable planet. Organic foods do tend to cost more than conventional, so sometimes it is easy to skip the organic foods for cheaper produce. When you're on a budget, be choosy about which types of produce you buy organic versus conventional. Some produce contains higher concentrations of pesticides and toxic chemicals. Review the Environmental Working Group's Shoppers Guide to Pesticides for more information on this topic.

You can find stores and markets that sell organic food through, local farmer's markets and you can search for Local Organic Producers that are right here in Utah.
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