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UPDATE (2012): The Park City Water Department will be offering FREE Water Checks to Park City residents this summer. Water audits can show you how to water your lawn more efficiently and help you save money while continuing to enjoy a green landscape.

The four processes of a Water Check are to analyze your landscape and irrigation system to determine soil type, precipitation rate, water pressure, lawn root depth and sprinkler uniformity. Based on this information, a customized watering schedule will be developed for your landscape.

To schedule your free Water Check, contact the Water Department at 435-615-5331

Since over 2/3 of our home water usage goes to watering our lawn, we also need to be aware of our irrigation system so we know if there are any inefficiencies, leaks, or damaged parts and correct those so as to not waste water. Utah Department of Natural Resources performed a study that revealed the typical homeowner applies 80 inches of water to his/her lawn every year, which is twice as much as needed! A sprinkler system audit, either performed by yourself or by a professional landscaper, will find those inefficiencies so you can get them fixed and operating correctly.

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